Happiness Is Your Property
No matter what adverse situations come in front of you, no matter how many obstacles come in front of you, your happiness should not disappear. An obstacle that comes will also go away. That obstacle comes and goes away but what belongs to you should not go. So, happiness is your property. Whenever an obstacle comes, just think that it has come to go away. When a guest comes to your home, it isn't that he has come as a guest and will go away having taken everything from your home. So an obstacle has come and it will go away but it should not take away your happiness. Happiness should always remain with you.
Life is full of noise and activity.
Plan some quiet time, whenever it's possible.
If you can, have a one full day of quiet.
To create the quiet space, turn off the TV, radio, phones, computer. And in that quiet time, do simple things.
Write, reflect and read. Read something inspirational, but don't read too much. Go for a walk and enjoy nature.
Stay connected with yourself as you go about your day. Appreciate each scene and each person as they are. Interact with others but at the same time stay quiet.
The example of an iceberg shows the need to see under people's surface behaviour; the need of a deeper insight.
Only 10% of an iceberg is visible on the surface, 90% is under the waterline, invisible, but yet prominent. If there is a wind coming from left to right, just by seeing the visible mass, we think it will move the iceberg to towards the right. If, against all expectations, the iceberg moves in the opposite direction (left), it is because, under the waterline, there is a strong current running towards the left.
Sometimes you, as a leader, try to move people in a certain direction by giving them orders, instructions, explanations and encouragement, but you do it on the basis of what you see above the surface. The visible part represents what is at the surface such as appearance, behaviour, manners etc. You do not see what moves them under the surface so you become surprised and maybe frustrated seeing them move in the opposite direction. The main part, which is the 90% not visible, is within the subconscious. Under the surface (subconscious) you will find emotions, fears, attitudes, deeply held values etc.
If you want to move people, if you want to motivate others for a project or even just to reach others, you need to be aware of these kinds of things that you find under the surface. The key to understanding others better is to be more aware of your own feelings and under-currents, because, at a deep level, we are very much alike. If you understand your own fears and strong motivators, you will understand others much better.
Soul Sustenance
Effect of Food On The Mind (Part 2)
Three categories of foods are defined corresponding to the particular energy that exists in them.
The first is Satwik or sentient food (explained earlier).
The second group is Rajasik or mutative food - it contains a mutative energy of restlessness, constant movement or change. When this force is consumed, the mind and body become agitated and nervous, unable to calm down and relax. These foods include caffeinated drinks such as coffee and many teas, hot spices, fermented foods and some medicinal drugs.
The third group is Tamasik or static food - this type of food has a static force of dullness, inertia, intoxication, and attraction towards sensuality (body-consciousness), decay and death. Death occurs when the other two energies (sentient and mutative) are spent and the static force is the only dominant force. Static foods include meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, mushrooms, onions and garlic.
Message for the day
To be successful is to be able to fly over the clouds of situations.
Checking: When there is any obstacle that comes up in your way check if you are afraid of it or if you are able to see it only as an obstacle that you must overcome.
Practice: Each day take a thought in your mind, "All these obstacles that I am faced with are like clouds that come in the journey of my life. I have to go on flying and not stop in the clouds of situations."
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