Monday, October 7, 2019

[nidokidos] Contemplation: October 08, 2019: Dance In Happiness


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Dance in Happiness

The easy way to remain happy is to remain constantly light.. Pure thoughts are light and waste thoughts are heavy. Therefore, keep your intellect busy with pure thoughts and you will become light and continue to dance in happiness. 

To be free from weaknesses is to make difficult things easy. 

The real difficulty of a task lies in my own weaknesses. No task is as such difficult or easy. But when it is challenged by any weakness of mine, it seems difficult. Instead of having fear or negativity in any task, it is better to work on my weakness. Once I am free from my weakness, tasks seem easy too. Today I will check if any weakness is interfering with my tasks. If I find a task difficult, there is surely some weakness interfering. I will then work on any such weakness, once I recognise it.

The Power To Co-operate (cont.)

The more I practice meditation, and develop and live with the consciousness that I am a non-physical soul, a being of light, the quicker the ego associated with all the physical factors (explained yesterday) melts away. Coloring myself with the Supreme or God's company, I see others as the children of the Supreme Soul. I know myself as part of the family of human souls who have the same original qualities as me. In soul-consciousness, there is no way I can feel superior to others, though I'll value their specialties. We are brothers - equal yet different.

In this consciousness, a natural humility or egolessness develops, a genuine respect for each other. There is a strength and happiness in the awareness of being a child of God, but I'll see others also as the same. There is neither the ego of feeling superior, nor the inverted ego of an inferiority complex. I am not negating myself, I am recognizing the value of the self, but I'm also appreciating the value and qualities of all others around me. In that spirit of mutual respect, it becomes easy to work together.

The future of the world and the transformation of the planet actually depend on this transformation in each one of us, from ego and self-glorification to humility, respect and co-operation. Meditation, by lifting me beyond the factors that divide us, makes me deeply aware that we are one family, sharing one home, this beautiful planet, for which we have a common responsibility. In the awareness of where we are, and to whom we belong, there also comes the recognition of what we as a family must do together - create a world which is filled with the virtues of the Supreme Soul, by first imbibing those virtues inside us.

Soul Sustenance 

Motivation – The Life Driving Force (Part 3) 

"Challenges are like spice – in the right proportion they enhance the flavor of a dish. Too little of them produces a bland, dull meal; too many of them may choke you at times." 

Have you ever noticed some people only work a few hours a day and are hardly ever confronted by deadlines or other pressures, but they are more stressed and less motivated than those working long hours to tight deadlines. Have you ever watched two people doing the same or similar work, to the same deadlines? One tears their hair out with a lot of anxiety. The other is completely relaxed while doing it. Some people are trailblazers, they love challenges. They love it when they are occupied and bottled up with challenges at hand and passionate about overcoming them. They work hard on themselves to overcome challenges and are not overwhelmed by them. What really reinforces them to do that is the motivation that they have to overcome the challenge and become successful. Challenges motivate them. At the same time, there are times when there are too many challenges to overcome and deadlines to meet and the same people who have overcome challenges earlier are not able to cope up with them and keep themselves motivated. That is the time when they realize that what they are going through is stress and challenges have affected their motivation levels adversely. Why the difference between two people, why the difference from challenge to challenge or situation to situation? Perception. So it's not what you do, or when you have to do it by, that causes your stress and brings down your motivation; it's how you perceive the whats and whens of daily life that generates your stress and affects your motivation levels. It's how each one perceives what they do and the possible outcome. And your perception is based on your beliefs and beliefs don't come built into your genes. All beliefs are learned. We learn them, send them into our subconscious and they then pop up and out through our thoughts, emotions and words. The problem is we not only hold beliefs, we identify with them. But beliefs are not the truth. 

(To be continued tomorrow ….) 

Message for the day 

To give regard to others' ideas is to be a learner. 

Expression: The one who is open to the ideas of others is the one who is able to learn from everything. He is humble and has respect for all. He has the authority over what he does, he is the master and is yet open to learning. 

Experience: Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress. 


Posted by: Satya <>
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