Saturday, July 14, 2012

[nidokidos] Session on Positive Thinking & Thought Management


Dear All,

I had read a book called "The-Law-Of-Attraction-Made-Easy" which I like to share with all of you.

A few highlights in the book is given below

There is a secret in the universe that can bring you good things, it is known as the Law of Attraction.
This can bring you happiness, wealth, and physical well-being. You only have to know how to apply it.

A few basic concepts of the Law of Attraction can help you on your ways which are

a) Things you think become reality.

The things you think are energy, just as the entire universe is energy. As you ponder your reality, or simply let thoughts run through your mind, you are shaping your reality. You do this by means of the Law of Attraction..

b) Our goal should be to foster a feeling of happiness, gratitude, and well-being.

This will go further than trying to change every thought individually. Feelings are important to the Law of Attraction.

One assumption of users of the Law of Attraction is that life is meant to be joyous and fulfilling. Many people feel that their lives can be no more than difficult work situations, unhappy relationships, poor health, and a
mountain of debt. Unless these people change their attitudes, they can never know the abundance they can get through the Law of Attraction.

With Regards,
Sakthi Auto Component Ltd...
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