More and more Russians who got married, come back to the registry office to divorce.
The current ratio of marriages to divorces in Russia is 1000:800. Less number of children are born: there were 36 million children in Russia in 1989, currently we have only 26.3 million children.
The number of families with no children is increasing. Families are becoming smaller – 65 percent of parents have only one child, 28 percent – two children, only 7 percent have three and more kids.
According to sociologists, after the divorce the woman with a kid (or with no kids) has little chance of getting married again. There is no man to get marry to: mortality rate of the men of working age is extremely high. The number of women in their 30s exceeds the number of men significantly.
700,000 of Russian children have no parents to care about them, one third of these children ended up in orphanages. More than 50,000 children escape from home every year.
The West also has many trends of the Russian family. People marry at older age, many couples do not get married, many people prefer having several marriages in the course of their lives, the birth of the first child is postponed for future, the number of kids in the family is reducing – both the West and Russia have all this.
However, different things cause family collapse in Russia: poverty, lack of social guarantees, terrible level of health care, alcoholism, problems with housing.
According to public opinion poll, if the family has decent income and one of the parents of the kids gets sick, they end up in poverty soon, and nothing can draw them out of poverty after this.
The recent survey of Levada-Center demonstrated that everybody in Russia, even wealthy people, are scared to become poor. The second child in the family indicates not only the family stability but the person's confidence about stable future. The majority of Russians have not this confidence so far.
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