A Narcoleptic Bulldog {Milo} Who Will Make You Say [Awww]!
Get ready for a cuteness overload, because I'm sure you won't be able to get through this whole post without saying "awwww"!
Meet Milo – a 3-year-old narcoleptic french bulldog with the most adorable nappy time pics ever.
Whether he's cozily wrapped in the bed covers or is simply laying on a pillow – he always does it in the cutest way ever and it just makes our hearts melt.
Sometimes Milo's owner even calls him a bedbound butterball or a narcoleptic nugget! How cute.

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The other side of sharks you hardly see
Follow the journey of photographer Eric Cheng as he brings to light the animals that have been misrepresented by mythology and popular culture and uses photography to tell the true story of these animals before it's too late.
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